Golf Day: Seven Wives win Carl Circus Trophy

Golf Day organiser, Vic Moseley reports on the annual fundraiser held at Lakeside Lodge, Pidley.

Friday 10 May saw the annual St Ives Town Golf Day which again was kindly sponsored by Thomas Quinn Chartered Accountants.

Unlike last year, the sun shined brightly and Lakeside Lodge was in very good condition as the teams set out to do battle for the Carl Circus Trophy. The format was Texas Scramble and the competition was keenly contested.

The winners were Seven Wives 2 with a net score of 57.9. Their team consisted of :

Terry Dunbavin
Luke Wakeman
Martin Goodship
Tom Stanlan

Runners up were the winners for the last 2 Years Thomas Quinn with a net score of 59.6. Their team consisted of :-

Tony Wright
Mark Macdonald
Matt Silsby
Ross Sutherland

Nearest the Pin winners were:-

Hole 3 John Coulson
Hole 5 Anton D’Avillar
Hole 16 Ross Sutherland.

My thanks to all the hole sponsors and those who provided prizes for the raffle, to Maureen & Mark for another excellent buffet, to Paul & Michelle for filling in at short notice and handling the bar superbly and Phil Moore for running the raffle.

A special mention to the maestro with the microphone, our very own Andy Dunn who dealt with the presentation ceremony and the auction with his usual aplomb.

Finally it was very pleasing Carol, Maurice, Deniece and other family members were present to see the presentation of the Carl Circus Trophy. Carl is sadly missed but will always be fondly remembered.

Finally a big thank you for everybody who took part on the day. Whilst we do not have the final figures it will be a financial success for the club.

The winners of the 2024 Carl Circus Trophy, Seven Wives