Backroom Changes

Backroom Changes


St Ives Town Football Club can today announce the following departures to the backroom team at the Quattro-Tech Westwood Road.


Marina Howlett


Marina Howlett has decided to step down from her role as Club Secretary. Marina has been a key figure in the running of the Football Club for many years. We would like to thank Marina for all her hard work and dedication and wish her all the best as she takes a well earned rest. Although Marina is leaving her secretarial role, she has agreed to assist Nigel Howlett in the background until the end of the season as he will hold the role of acting Secretary on an interim basis until a successor is appointed. Marina will also retain the role of Club Welfare Officer until a successor is appointed.


Gary and Maureen Clarke


After many years of dedicated and tireless service Gary and Maureen Clarke have made the decision to step back from their frontline roles at the Football Club. They will relinquish all duties around the first team and match days, and instead concentrate on running the Academy and the 3G pitch. Going forward these two areas will become vital to the growth of the club. In addition, Gary has decided to step down as Chairman with immediate effect. Paul Reason will become Interim acting Chairman supported by Vice Chairman Nigel Howlett. Paul will now also assume the role of interim Finance Director. We appreciate this has not been an easy decision for both Gary and Maureen to make and would like to thank them both for all their efforts and support.